It’s time to get ready for summer!
As we get ready to turn on our air conditioners, it is a good idea to look at your in-line humidifier to make sure you have it changed to the proper settings!
We’re just getting through the dry winter and humidification is very important to your comfort. Dehumidification is just as important in the summer. A home that is too humid can not only affect your comfort but it can damage your home. Your walls could really be sweating!
Since the air in the summer is moist, it is not necessary to use your humidifier. The use of your humidifier during the summer months can reduce the effectiveness of your AC and lead to increased energy bills. For this reason, it’s a good idea to shut down your humidifier once heating season is over.
Like your HVAC system, your humidifier has a device to regulate the way it works. Typically, the humidistat is installed above your humidifier on the return air plenum on the wall near your thermostat, some newer thermostats will even have the humidistat incorporated within. Turn the humidistat to the off position, or the lowest humidity setting.